Monday, October 27, 2008

Organizational Lines




Curvilinear Lines


Vanishing Point

Vanishing Point




Geometric Shape


Three Point Perspective

Two Point Perspective






Rectilinear Line

Organic Shape


Illusion of Movement

Visual Texture

Texture created using multiple marks or through a descriptive simulation of physical texture.

Symmetrical Balance

A form of balance that is created when shapes are mirrored on either side of a central axis, as in a composition that is vertically divided down the center.


A composition that is at rest or an object that appears stationary.

Scale and Proportion

A size relationship between two separate objects.


The use of the same visual element or effect a number of times in the same composition.

Positive shape

The principle of foreground shape in a design and the dominant shape of figure in a figure-ground relationship.


Visual organization based on similarity in location, orientation, shape, and so on.


A visual or physical structure created from intersecting parallel lines.


A unifying force created by the outer edge of composition or by a boundary within the composition.


The mind's inclination to connect fragmentary information to produce a completed form.

Two-point perspective

A form of linear perspective in which the lines receding into space converge at two vanishing points of the eye level or horizon line, one to the left of the object and one to the right of the object.

One-Point Perspective

Linear perspective in which the lines receding into space converge at a single vanishing point of the eye level or horizon line.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Visual Weight

1. The inclination of shapes to float or sink compositionally 2. The relative importance of a visual element within a design

Picture Plane

In linear perspective, the flat surface on which a three-dimensional image is mentally projected

Horizon Line

In linear perspective, the line on which all vanishing points are positioned.  More accurately described as the eye line or eye level


A post modern practice in which an accumulation of multiple (and often contradictory), visual layers is used to create a single artwork


any gradual transition from one color to another or from one shape or volume to another.  In drawing, shading created through the gradation of grays can be used to suggest three-dimensional form


special attention given to some aspect of a composition

Atmospheric Perspective

a visual phenomenon in which the atmospheric density progressively increases, hazing over the perceived world as one looks into its depth.  Overall definition lessens, details fade, contrasts become muted and, ,in a landscape, a blue mist descends.

Illusion of Space

the representation of an object or scene on a two-dimensional surface to give it the appearance of three-dimensionality

Asymmetrical Balance

equilibrium among visual elements that do not mirror each other on either side of an axis

Value Contrast

Physical Texture

actual variation in a surface

Negative Shape

1. a clearly defined area around a positive shape or form 2. a shape created through the absence of an object rather than through the presence of an object